Over-the-road traveling can be challenging on typical heating and air conditioning installations. Extreme temperatures and terrain often cause premature failure in systems during over-the-road travel. With Bard’s mobile over-the-road HVAC systems, we put durability and reliability at the heart of the design.
We are one of the only manufacturers to test equipment on a Lansmont table which sends fibrations at multiple frequencies through every part of the unit. This mimicking various road conditions and systematically testing the equipment’s durability.
Bard’s wall-mounted mobile HVAC units are suitable for a variety of applications including everything from 18-wheel truck trailers to electronic billboards to cargo ships.
Bard mobile HVAC units inherently provide optimal temperature control, but we go well beyond that. Factory or field-installed ventilation options and control modules are available as well as add-on options like hot gas reheat dehumidification to remove moisture from even the most humid environments.