This page serves as a centralized hub for regulatory disclosures, compliance standards, and sustainability initiatives- providing our customers and distribution partners with up-to-date information.
Bard HVAC equipment is manufactured outside of the state of New York and is in compliance with 6 NYCRR Part 494 – Hydroflourocarbon Standards and Reporting. All Bard motor-bearing equipment with a refrigerant circuit is designed to operate with the regulated substances of R-410A or R-454B as specified on the unit serial plate, and may only be sold, distributed, or offered for sale in the state of New York up to 1 year after the prohibition dates set forth in Part 494-1.4. All equipment comes pre-charged from the factory with “virgin” (non-reclaimed) refrigerant and must only be used in the State of New York with substances that are in compliance with New York State regulations.
This page will continue to evolve as we respond to new compliance requirements and sustainability expectations across the U.S. and beyond.
For questions or to learn more about Bard compliance, please contact our team at